What You Should Eat For Gout Prevention And Gout Control?

By Meera Watts

Gout is a sort of metabolic arthritis which is an extremely painful disease. The disease is caused by the congenital disorder of the uric acid metabolism. Our body produces the uric acid but the body gets rid of the uric acid through the system. However, some problems in the kidneys or the accumulation of too much uric acid in the body cannot be flashed out of the body through the system and they start to form the uric acid crystals in the body. The crystals start to be deposited in the joints, tendons and the tissues of the surrounding joints causing the attack of gout.

So, gout is mainly caused by the body’s congenital condition in being unable to successfully handle uric acids. The deposits of the uric acid crystals cause the intolerable pain in the body. The affected areas become red, swollen, warm and they sometimes become so sensitive that even a slightest touch cause enormous pain. Fever, nausea, vomiting can also occur with the attack of gout. Sometimes the crystals grow in size and they burst through the skin causing the discharge of chalky white substance.

In dealing with the problem of gout the patient must be diagnosed and treated in time. The patient should be under the continuous guidance of the expert doctor. The doctor will properly diagnose the level of the uric acid and the other symptoms to decide upon the right and ideal diet for the patients. The patients should be treated under proper medication too. However, the food diet is an important factor when you are combating the problem of gout. Since the increase of the uric acid level in the blood is the main cause of the disease so reducing the level of uric acid in the blood can effectively reduce the problems of gout.


The main option for the gout control and the gout prevention is the proper and regular following of the food diet chart. Only the perfect and ideal food diet can control the level of uric acid in the blood and thus can reduce the chance of gout attack. Some foods can be dangerous for the gout patients. The high purine foods can increase the level of uric acid in the blood so the patients of gout should avoid eating the high purine foods. On the contrary, they should opt for the low purine foods that can help in controlling the lower level of uric acid I the blood.

Foods and beverages like the organ meats or kidney, liver, brains of the animals, lamb, pork, beef, mushrooms, cauliflower, dried beans, peas, beer, alcohol, stout, seafood, sea fish, cod all these are high purine foods. These should be avoided to control or prevent the gout. Foods like cereal, green vegetables, eggs, fruits like cherries, berries, blue berries, strawberries, milk and milk products, pasta all these should be included in the daily diet. These foods help in preventing the problems of gout.

Drinking plenty of water is important to control the problems of gout. Lemon juice is good for reducing the uric acid level in the blood. Ensure these in your daily diet to prevent the gout.

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